Update Teaching Certificate Request Form
For name change, address change, degree change, or duplicate certificate.
No, additional areas are not added automatically. You must apply to have the additional area(s) added to your certification. When you pass a new subject area test (other than the exception area tests listed below) log-on to the Oklahoma Educator Credentialing System via Single Sign-On and apply to add the test you passed. The other option is to submit an Application for Adding Areas to Certificate by Testing and a $25 processing fee (check, cashier’s check, or money order) made payable to the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
By law, Effective November 1, 2009, there are special stipulations for adding the areas of Early Childhood, Elementary Education, and Special Education. Traditionally certified early childhood, elementary or special education teacher can add any of the three preceding areas by test only. Any person alternatively certified through the Troops to Teachers program may add special education by testing only. In all other cases the applicant must complete a full university program, receive a recommendation from the certification officer at the university and pass the appropriate subject-area test.
Specialist certification (library-media specialist, school counselor, school psychometrist, school psychologist, speech-language pathologist, and reading specialist) may not be added by only testing. The applicant must complete a full university program, receive a recommendation from the certification officer at the university and pass the appropriate subject-area test.
Oklahoma has two options for obtaining certification as a principal or superintendent. Option one is Traditional Administrator Certification, and option two is Alternative Administrator Certification. To view a flow-chart explaining each program, refer to Administrator Certification Requirement Chart.