Dog License Information

An Eaton County dog license is required for all dogs four months or older. Licensing provides good pet identification, ensures dogs are vaccinated for rabies, and proves you are its owner.

1 and 3-year Licensing

The three-year license is part of an overall effort in the county treasurer’s office to simplify dog licensing and alleviate waiting lines. One-year licenses will still be available at the option of the pet owner.

Dog licensing is based on the pet’s rabies vaccination date. A license will become delinquent after the last day in the month in which the rabies vaccination anniversary expires. Delinquent licenses will carry a $20 late fee in addition to the base fee.

A renewal notice will be mailed to licensed pet owners thirty days prior to the 2020 renewal date.

One-year License Three-Year License
$20 $55 (Non Spayed/Neutered)
$15 $40 (Spayed/Neutered)

The penalty for a delinquent license will be $20 in addition to the base license fee.

License Locations

• The Eaton county Treasurer’s office at 1045 Independence Blvd. in Charlotte from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday

• Eaton County Humane Society at 129 N. Main in Olivet.

•Town and Country Animal Hospital at 3110 S. Cochran in Charlotte.

Charlotte Veterinary Hospital at 122 Lansing St. in Charlotte.

•Snow Animal Clinic at 617 Michigan St. in Eaton Rapids.