
about us

Our mission is to be a safe and secure, independent mutual bank committed to being a leader in delivering superior personal service, quality products, and banking convenience to customers and local communities.

Our Vision

Watertown Savings Bank wants to continue to help those it serves--customers, non-profit organizations, communities, employees--to prosper and fulfill their goals.

Bank President

We work hard to earn our customers' business and loyalty. Our customers are welcome to contact Watertown Savings Bank President Brett Dean directly at president@watertownsavings.com or on his direct line at 617.928.2360.

Our Story

Our history and our culture are rooted in serving our customers and communities as a mutual bank headquartered in Watertown, MA.


We highlight our commitment to our communities, announce major branch news, and promote our employees' careers.

Giving Back

Our goal is to give backthrough our time, our community leadership, and our financial support. We welcome the opportunity to participate in and volunteer at local events, join local organizations and share in their missions of serving others, and contribute to local organizations.


service hours volunteered by WSB employees annually


local community organizations supported by WSB annually


and more community events and customer appreciation events WSB participates in and initiates annually

Video Link

Customer Bill of Rights

1. To provide a safe and secure financial institution in which customers can deposit their life savings.

2. To strive to provide superior customer service and convenience by putting our customers first and attempting to exceed their expectations.

3. To actively support community activities and be a committed, socially responsible corporate citizen.

4. To operate for the benefit of customers and community and be committed to remaining an independent mutual savings bank headquartered in Watertown.