Check out our printable May calendars. May tends to be a busy month so hopefully these printable calendars will help organizing your fun events.
May is the fifth month of year. With 31 days, this month is traditionally associated with late spring, the end of school, and the very beginning of summer. We hope our blank May calendar templates help you keep your activities, appointments, and goals organized.
As with April, May is a great time to get outside and start those spring/summer projects. Spruce up your garden and bring out the yard decorations from storage.
Enjoy our May calendars. To download these click on the images below and use the print option in your browser to easily print these. You can change to a landscape orientation for a wide view.
April Zodiac Signs: Taurus (up to May 19). Gemini (May 20 and on)
April Birthstone: Emerald
April Birth Flower: Crataegus Monogyna (hawthorn) and Convallaria Majalis (Lily of the Valley)
Notable May Dates:
May 2, International Harry Potter Day
May 3, National Teacher Day
May 4, Star Wars Day
May 5, Cinco de Mayo
May 23, World Turtle Day
May 8, 2022 – Mother’s Day (Second Sunday each May)
May 30, 2022 – Memorial Day (Last Monday each May)
Month-Long Awareness Holidays:
ALS Awareness Month
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Brain Cancer Awareness Month
Healthy Vision Month
Homeschool Awareness Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
Lupus Awareness Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
Categories: 2022 Calendars, 2023 Calendars, Blank Calendars, May Calendars
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