Make calls

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Start 1:1 or group calls with anyone in your organization — no matter where you are in Microsoft Teams.

Start calls

There are different ways to make a call in Teams:

audio call button

Video call button

or Video call

audio call button

. In a one-on-one chat, select More meet now options (the dropdown arrow) next to Audio call

audio call button

, and choose another number to call if it's available.

  • In the search box, type "/call" and who you'd like to reach. Select Enter to start the call.
  • Hover over someone's profile photo anywhere in Teams, and select Audio call

    Dial an outside number

    audio call button

    1. Select Calls

    Note: If your organization has an Enterprise Voice or Business Voice license, you can call anyone from Teams even if they're not using it.

    Accept incoming calls

    View call history

    audio call button

    1. Select Calls

    <a href=Microsoft Teams more options icon" />

    on the left side of Teams.

    1. View all calls in your call history, or select Voicemail to view your voicemails.
    2. To return someone's call from your history, choose who you want, select More actions