Financial Aid Resources

The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal forms can be found in the MyTCC Financial Aid Dashboard. Visit the MyTCC Student Requirements section of your MyTCC Financial Aid Dashboard to view, complete, and electronically submit SAP Appeal forms. Students who submit an appeal agree to abide by the terms listed in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Statement of Understanding.

Oklahoma's Promise Resource

Oklahoma's Promise Eligibility Form should only be completed by those students who have been admitted to the program by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Tulsa Achieves Scholarship Resource

Aid for 2024-2025 Academic Year

Applicable to Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025

Resource Links

Free Application for Federal Student Aid
You should submit a new Federal Student Aid Application (FAFSA) every year as soon as possible after October 1. List the TCC School Code: 009763 so that TCC will receive your FAFSA.

Financial Aid History
Log in to view your Financial Aid History with the U.S. Department of Education. Recipients of student aid (grants and loans) can review the details of their aid history and find out more information about what they owe and lifetime eligibility for grants and loans.

Direct Student Loans
Find more information about types of student loans and eligibility requirements. To receive student loans, you must complete both Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN). This only has to be done once for each school you wish to receive loans at.

Direct Parent PLUS Loan Application
A parent of a dependent student can use this site to apply for a Parent PLUS Direct Loan.

OKCollegeStart offers career, college, and financial aid advice for prospective and current students. Check out OKCollegeStart's Financial Fitness for tips on how to evaluate and manage your personal finances.

Oklahoma College Assistance Program
The Oklahoma College Assistance Program provides college access, aid awareness, financial literacy, and student loan management programs and services that benefit students, parents, schools, and community partners.

Oklahoma Money Matters
Oklahoma Money Matters is a personal finance education program.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education provides resources to the State's college residential policy, as well as state rules regarding various aid programs, including Oklahoma's Promise.

Federal Student Aid
Comprehensive guide to federal student aid. Student aid recipients may want to consider looking into the following free tools:

Aid for Military Families
Information regarding the federal government and nonprofit organizations that offer money for college to veterans, future military personnel, active duty, personnel, or those related to veterans or active-duty personnel.

Student Aid Glossary
Confused by all the jargon, lingo, and acronyms that litter the financial aid forms? Visit the student aid glossary to increase your understanding.

Resources to help you plan, prepare, and pay for college.

Resource for private loan applications. TCC students should consider private loans as a last resort for educational funding.