Strategic Communication (B.S.) - Strategic Communications - Resident

Important: This degree plan is effective for those starting this degree program in fall 2024 through summer 2025. This degree plan will remain in effect for students who do not break enrollment or who do not change degree programs, concentrations, or cognates.

General Education/Foundational Skills Requirements

Course List
Code Title Hours
Communication & Information Literacy 1
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric3
Communications Elective 3
Information Literacy Elective 2 3
Information Literacy Elective 3
Technological Solutions & Quantitative Reasoning 1
UNIV 101Foundational Skills1
Math Elective MATH 114 or higher 3
Technology Competency 3 0-3
Critical Thinking 1
RLGN 105Introduction to Biblical Worldview 4 2
Critical Thinking Elective 3
Civic & Global Engagement 1
EVAN 101Evangelism and the Christian Life 4 2
Cultural Studies Elective 3
Social & Scientific Inquiry 1
Natural Science Elective 3
Social Science Elective 3
Christianity & Contexts 1
BIBL 105Old Testament Survey2
BIBL 110New Testament Survey2
THEO 201Theology Survey I 4 2
THEO 202Theology Survey II 4 2
Total Hours40-43

Refer to the list of approved general education electives before enrolling in foundational skills requirements

HIUS 221 , HIUS 222 , or HIUS 223 is strongly recommended

All students must pass the Computer Assessment OR complete an applicable INFT course

Students transferring in 45 or more UG credit hours will have the requirements of RLGN 105 and EVAN 101 waived; Students transferring in 60 or more UG credit hours will also have the requirements of THEO 201 and THEO 202 waived

Major Requirements

Course List
Code Title Hours
Major Foundational Courses
SCOM 110Media and Culture 1 3
Total Hours3
Course List
Code Title Hours
Major Core
ARTS 222Graphic Design Foundations3
ARTS 224Media Design3
ARTS 319Mobile & Interactive Technology Applications3
DMCA 499Internship3
JOUR 225Media Writing3
STCO 289Digital Promotion Technologies and Application 1,2 3
or SCOM 212 Criticism of Popular Culture
STCO 307Strategic Communication3
STCO 346Persuasive Advertising and Storytelling3
STCO 348Strategic Social Media3
STCO 356Digital/Social/Mobile Communication Strategies 1,2 3
or SCOM 325 Interpersonal Communication
STCO 426Creating Affiliate Loyalty in a Digital Age 1,2 3
or SCOM 490 Crisis Communication and Negotiation
STCO 487Agency/Field Projects3
Total Hours36

STCO 289 Digital Promotion Technologies and Application (3 c.h.) , STCO 356 Digital/Social/Mobile Communication Strategies (3 c.h.) , and STCO 426 Creating Affiliate Loyalty in a Digital Age (3 c.h.) are offered in the online format

SCOM 212 Criticism of Popular Culture (3 c.h.) , SCOM 325 Interpersonal Communication (3 c.h.) , and SCOM 490 Crisis Communication and Negotiation (3 c.h.) are offered in the resident format

Course List
Code Title Hours
STCO 357Public Relations and Promotion Tactics3
STCO 367Best Practices: Strategic Communications Management3
STCO 372Employee and Organizational Communication 1 3
or SCOM 360 Leadership Communication
Total Hours9

SCOM 360 Leadership Communication (3 c.h.) is offered in the resident format

Course List
Code Title Hours
Free Electives
Choose 25-31 credit hours of Free Electives 25-31
Total Hours25-31

All applicable prerequisites must be met

Graduation Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterHours
ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric 3
EVAN 101 Evangelism and the Christian Life 2
INQR 101 Inquiry 1
MATH Elective 1 3
Social Science Elective 1 3
RLGN 105 Introduction to Biblical Worldview 2
UNIV 101 Foundational Skills 1
Second Semester
BIBL 105 Old Testament Survey 2
THEO 201 Theology Survey I 2
Communications Elective (SCOM 110) 1 3
Information Literacy Elective 1 3
Natural Science Elective 1 3
Technology Competency 2 0-3
Second Year
First Semester
BIBL 110 New Testament Survey 2
RSCH 201 Research 3
THEO 202 Theology Survey II 2
ARTS 222 Introduction to Graphic Design 3
JOUR 225 Media Writing 3
Second Semester
Critical Thinking Elective 1 3
Cultural Studies Elective 1 3
Information Literacy Elective 1,3 3
ARTS 224 Media Design 3
STCO 289
or Criticism of Popular Culture or Interpersonal Communication or Leadership Communication or Crisis Communication and Negotiation

Refer to the list of approved general education electives at before enrolling foundational skills requirements.

All students must pass the Computer Assessment OR complete applicable INFT course; refer to for more information.

HIUS 221 , HIUS 222 , or HIUS 223 is strongly recommended.

Course offered in the online format.

Course offered in the resident format.

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